Wednesday 22 February 2012

Music Video Planning

After watching various Bruce Springsteen music videos, I have found out that "the Boss", as he is universally known, wears a different range of clothing, such as t-shirts, shirts, jackets etc. This is because his genre and style of music is so huge that the different clothes he wears compliments the different styles of music, such as a cowboy-styled shirt for a country-style song.

 The "Jacket" Look

 The "T-Shirt" Look

 The "Country" Look

 The "Shirt" Look

Another "Jacket" Look

However, after watching the music video "The Wrestler", which is the song I am planning on doing, Bruce seems to go for the "Jacket" look:

I think this "look" suits the theme and style of the song as, in my opinion, it is quite a cold song and the jacket suits it very well.

 The jacket that he is wearing looks very padded and warm. He is also wearing some sort of chain around his neck.

 The jacket looks like it is leather.

Not the best of shots but the jacket suits the song style.


For my music video I am going to need the following props:
  • An Acoustic Guitar
  • A stool (for the actor to sit on in certain scenes)
  • A bench (maybe)
For my music video I am going to use a number of different locations. I have taken some photos of the possible locations that I am going to use, however I am still looking for other locations.


I like this location as it is quite secluded, which suits the theme of the song.

When the tide is up, the actor could be standing on the shore looking out at the crashing waves. As the muisc fades in, at the start of the video, the actor could be looking out to sea, but be out of focus, and then is in focus once the music picks up.
By using the Rule-of-Thirds, the actor could stand just off to the side of the screen, making the castle look impressive. Also, I could use Depth of Field to focus on the castle and then onto the actor.

In this shot, the actor could have his back to the camera and be looking out to sea. The Rule-of-Thirds could be used to make the location more interesting as the actor would not be directly in the centre of the frame but rather just off to the left or right of it.

This location would be good as the actor could be leaning against that railings looking out at the boats and this would hopefully give the viewers the idea that he is contemplating about his life, which would suit the song very well.


From this location the actor can see the castle and the harbour. I like this location as the actor can stand in front of the camera and look out over the castle and boats.

This is another shot of the castle and harbour.

This bench could be used by the actor to sit on as he plays his guitar.

I like this shot as the actor could walk down the road, away from the camera, as the music fades in.

Whilst the music is fading out, at the end of the song, the actor could walk down the lane and disappear from view. 

Back Lanes

Throughout the video shots of the actor walking around/thinking about life will be mixed in with shots of him playing the guitar.

This is another location where the actor could walk down at the end of the song.

I am thinking of using the song "The Wrestler" by Bruce Springsteen for my music video as I really like the song and believe that I can make a very good music video to accompany it. The song is quite slow and I feel that it goes well with a bleak winter's day, which is good as winter is coming up. Also, I feel that the actor in the video could wear a big thick jacket as he walks along a desolate/bleak beach on a cold and windy morning. It is an acoustic song, which means that the locations must not be big urban areas as this would be unsuitable, but it should include shots of the beach and countryside as these go with the feel and style of the song.

Possible Locations
  • Beach (on a winters day when the sea is really rough and crashing against the shore)
  • Countryside/country lanes (maybe with damp roads running through them)
  • Cliff (with camera looking out to a rough sea)
  • Places with street lamps

    This is a short film I made using the images that I took whilst trying to find suitable locations:

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