Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Class Animatic Feedback
After completing the Animatics, we used 2 lessons to go through everyone's coursework and look at the Animatics that everyone had created. Once we had seen an Animatic, we wrote down what we liked about it and, if needed, gave them some constructive criticism. Once we had given our feedback, we uploaded it onto the A2 Wiki that had been created especially for this role. By doing this, it allowed us to access and read the feedback that had been given for our Animatics. The feedback that I gained for my Animatic was very positive and said that the choice of locations and shots were really suitable for the genre and song that I had chosen to use. However, they also said that I should add in some more shots of the artist on his own, as  the majority of the shots that I had used in my Animatic were ones of the artist and his guitar. The feedback also encouraged me to use a wider range of shots and locations, as these would suit the song better.

This is the feedback that I received for my Animatic.

DigiPak and Poster Feedback
We also used some class time to look at the DigiPaks that we had created for the Ancillary tasks. The feedback that I recieved from this was very positive as people believed that my DigiPak and Poster used the typical codes and conventions of a typical acoustic genre product. They feedback that I gained for my DigiPak Booklet was also very positive.

This is the DigiPak that I created for my Ancillary Task.

This is the poster that I created for the Ancillary Task.

This is the Booklet that I created for the DigiPak.

Social Network Feedback
Since I was having trouble with the cross-dissolves in my music video, I decided that whilst the problem was being fixed, I would upload the video anyway as I would be able to gain some feedback. To do this, I uploaded it onto my YouTube channel and then copied the link and pasted it on Facebook so that my friends could view the video and give me their feedback. The feedback that I received from my friends was positive, even though there was a problem with the cross-dissolves. Some of the feedback said that it was really good apart from the black flashes that appeared on screen, however this was down to the cross-dissolve problem, which was being fixed at that time. I also used Twitter to share my music video and gain some feedback, which was very positive.

This is a screen grab of the message that I sent to a group of my friends to gain feedback.  

This is a screen grab of the feedback that I received for my music video.

This is a screenshot of my music video on Twitter. As there is a maximum limit of 140 characters I had to use 2 posts to ask for feedback.

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